Sell your items at the same prices, regardless of your customers' country of origin.
The plugin allows you to specify the same gross prices for users from the countries with different tax rates. The country of non-registered users can be determined by your IP address to correctly calculate the net item prices and VAT.
Customer Benefits:
General Approach
The plugin is applicable for both B2C and B2B online business.
Simplicity in Operation
The plugin is easy for use and configuration.
Display of Gross and Net Prices
Both the gross and the net price are displayed in the shopping cart.
Responsive Design
Prices are shown correctly on all end user devices (desktops, smartphones and tablets).
Transnational Marketing Strategy
The plugin enables you to implement uniform marketing- and pricing strategies transnationally.
Technical Functioning
Functions in the Shop
For customers from different countries the same price is displayed per item.
For each country the correct tax amounts are calculated based on a constant price.
If the user is not logged in, his country and the correct tax rate will be determined by his IP address.
If the country of the non-registered user cannot be determined or is not active in the online shop, the calculation is carried out on the basis of the standard tax rate.

Settings in the Admin Section
You can set:

Installation Instructions
By default, all our modules are encrypted. For an encrypted module to function, the installation of IonCube Loader on your web server is required. An unencrypted version of the module can be purchased at an additional cost.