in Shopware

If you want to start an online shop, you might consider Shopware 6 as your ecommerce platform. However, with three different editions available, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. This article will compare the two options and help you make an informed decision. What is Shopw...

in Expertise

In order to make a company more efficient and increase sales, it is imperative to invest in solutions and processes that allow the most important business data to be organized and managed more effectively, such as an ERP system. ERP is the acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. Its main functio...

in Expertise

The e-commerce market has grown strongly since 2020, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation and changing consumer habits. In this scenario, managing the online business is more important than ever, and here come the benefits of ERP for eCommerce in the game. According to Statista, the e...

in Expertise

Why is it important to have usability analysis of the online shop? When a new web shop being developed or already owning one, the ultimate goal is to have users to enjoy using that website and ultimately place orders. But what makes the user stay on your site or leave it to the competition? Of c...

in Shopware, OXID

Today's e-commerce market offers many shop systems for every taste, more precisely - business size, requirements, business logic, etc. Shopware and OXID - both are exceptional in terms of usable functions and extremely popular in the German market. Both Shopware and OXID were developed in Germany...